A bottle, of refreshing Coca-Cola, made partially from . . . PLANTS?
Read the address to our bottling partners for the inside scoop on our continued efforts toward advancing plant-based technology!
Dear Bottling Partners:
The Coca-Cola Company announced today the launch of an exciting collaborative with Ford, Heinz, Nike, and P&G called the Plant PET Technology Collaborative (PTC).
The PTC effort aims to bring together non-competitive industry leaders who are focused on working together to accelerate the advancement of plant-based technology in order to produce 100% plant-based PET.
On June 5, also World Environment Day, we are celebrating the five year anniversary of our partnership with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to conserve freshwater resources around the world.
We have released our 2011 Annual Review, which documents partnership progress throughout the year. You can view the report here wwf.thecoca-colacompany.com.
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