Coca-Cola UNITED

Second Largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade in the World … Savannah, GA

Ahhhh in Savannah 2013Since 1902, Savannah Coca-Cola Bottling Company has been a long time supporter of the Savannah, Georgia community through many civic and charitable organizations, and community events . . . and the world’s second largest St.Patrick’s Day Parade is no exception.

Savannah had its first St. Patrick’s Day  Parade  in 1813 and  attracting roughly 400,000 visitors each year.  We are proud to report that the 189th celebration was good as ever! The celebration lasted from March 14-17 and the crowds exceeded 500,000.

Savannah Coca-Cola’s  presence was felt in the crowds through Coca-Cola signage, Coca-Cola beads, sampling, and our parade entries. Sprite, Full Throttle/Nos, and Vitamin Water Sampling events were set up during the festivities. Our entries in the parade included the Coca-Cola Polar Bear float, and the NOS vehicle.  Special thanks to Jim Gulley, our CCR Representative and Chris Wood, Savannah Dispatcher for playing the role of polar bears during the parade.

Here is an except from the article at which reads . . . “From the Savannah is known for hosting the second largest parade in the world. However, all that have seen it say it is the grandest in the world! We begin this religious and cultural celebration approximately two weeks prior to the parade. Some of these traditional events include the Investiture of the Grand Marshal, Greening of the Fountain in Forsyth Park, Tara Feis, Celtic Cross Mass and Ceremony, and Sergeant William Jasper Green Ceremony. On the morning of the parade, Mass is held at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in historic downtown Savannah. We welcome you to attend any and all of these annual events and learn about our rich Irish heritage. 

Savannah’s first St. Patrick’s Day Parade was in 1813, only 80 years after the city was founded by General James Oglethorpe. A small group of Hibernians organized and marched on the streets of Savannah to remember the death of our Patron Saint, Saint Patrick of Ireland. Over the years the city prospered with Irish immigrants due to the potato famine and political persecution their country faced. We are proud to carry on the tradition our ancestors began almost 200 years ago.”

The City of Savannah, Chatham County, and the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police are to be commended as well for their service, support, and dedication to preserve this tradition and keep our patrons safe.

In keeping with Irish tradition, I would like to close with this blessing:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

For more information on this annual event, read the full article at