Coca-Cola UNITED

Proud to be a part of the Augusta Community

Augusta Coca-Cola has long been a supporter of various charitable organizations and businesses in the Augusta communities and surrounding areas.


We take pride in the relationships we have built with these organizations over the years.  Friends, family members and associates  work with and support these organizations to improve the lives of those in our communities.  Take a look at just a few with whom we are privileged to work and enjoy happiness as we built a better future.

-Augusta Sports Council

-Columbia County Merchants Association

-Richmond County Chamber of Commerce

-Columbia County Chamber of Commerce

-Augusta Sports Council

-Golden Harvest Food Bank

-Red Cross

-Augusta University Scholarship Fund

-Arts In The Heart

-North Augusta Chamber of Commerce

-Thomson Chamber of Commerce

-Augusta Southern National Drag Boat Races (Benefits Special Olympics)

-American Heart Association (Relay for Life)