Coca-Cola UNITED

Balance what you eat, drink & do

Healthy Choices, Well-Being, Coca-Cola, Balance, Exercise, Plan, Sefl Improvement

Healthy Choices, Well-Being, Coca-Cola, Balance, Exercise, Plan, Sefl Improvement

Find your Mixify


#Realtalk: The American Beverage Association, Coca-Cola and other beverage suppliers understand that balancing your mix of foods, drinks and physical activities can get a little tricky. And since our products can play a part in that equation, we’ve teamed up to help make it easier to find a balanced mix that feels oh so right. That’s where Mixify comes in. It’s like a balance wingman. Bringing you new combinations to keep your mix fresh and your body right. Like mixing lazy days with something light, following sweaty workouts with whatever you’re craving, and crossing cats with dragons. Because at the end of the day, finding balance keeps you feeling snazzier than the emoji of the dancing lady in red. Balance what you eat and drink with what you do. That’s how you Mixify.


Bring on the Balance.


School, sports, friends, parents, Snapchats, global warming—life is hectic and finding balance isn’t always easy. Enter: Mixify. A new project from America’s beverage companies that’s all about making balance easier. Because even if your body is feeling less like a temple and more like— say, a truck stop—balancing the calories that you eat and drink with the calories you burn is key to finding the right mix to keep you feeling like the majestic creature that you are. Balance what you eat and drink with what you do. That’s how you Mixify.


What type of information do I have access to on Mixify?


And so much more! Check it out at

Where did Mixify come from?


In 2014, the American Beverage Association joined with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation again to create our Balance Calories Initiative. ABA set a goal to reduce beverage calories consumed per person nationally by 20 percent by 2025.

A component of this effort is Mixify™ … a first-of-its kind national consumer awareness and engagement program encouraging teens and their families to balance their calories by moderating what they consume, including from beverages, and getting more active.

We take seriously our role in offering meaningful solutions and we hope others will join us. To learn more about the beverage industry’s commitment to consumer well-being visit


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