Ensuring the safety of our associates and preparing for Tropical Storm Cindy …
In preparation for Tropical Storm Cindy, we wanted to assure you that the UNITED team continues to monitor the weather in the Gulf and has been making preparations to ensure the safety of our associates, the necessary service to our customers and consumers, and the wellbeing of our communities.
As always, the safety of our associates is our top priority.
We will keep you updated on the working hours for our associates in the affected areas, as well as how the storm may impact our operations.
Please check the following communications channels during the next few days to receive work-related updates:
– Employee Awareness Hotline 1-888-324-2653
– Coca-Cola UNITED website: www.cocacolaunited.com
Please also remember to monitor your UNITED email for any messages from Human Resources and/or your management.
Let’s keep our UNITED associates, their families and our communities in our thoughts and prayers during the coming days.
Warm Regards,
Linda M. Sewell
Corporate Director
Community Relations & Communications