Coca-Cola UNITED

Mobile Sales Center #shareacoke with First Responders

Share A Coke, Community - Mobile-PD-05092018

Mobile Police Department

First Responders face challenges every day that most of us have never even dreamed of. No matter the situation, these brave men and women walk straight into the most dangerous situations in the world to make sure the rest of us are kept safe.

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Mobile Police Department

Here at Coca-Cola, we wanted to make sure these First Responders were recognized and celebrated not just for what they do, but for who they are. We can’t really ever pay them back for their selflessness and bravery, but we can show them how much we appreciate them.

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Mobile Fire Department

On Monday, May 8th, Coca-Cola celebrated its 123rd Birthday. Mobile Coca-Cola chose to celebrate #shareacoke day by sharing an ice-cold Coca-Cola with First Responders within the Mobile community. We spent time talking, laughing, and–of course–enjoying Coca-Cola together. It was a great time of fun and community as we got to know the people who work to protect the city of Mobile.

Mobile Fire Department

Saying thanks doesn’t seem like enough, but we’re forever grateful for their work, and we were honored to get to know them on May 8th. Thank you to these men and women who keep our communities safe!

Mobile County Sheriff’s Department