Coca-Cola UNITED

“Dear Future” Community Action Initiative 2018

For well over 125 years, local bottlers have been very much a part of their local communities. After all, to Coca-Cola associates, it’s where they live, work, and serve.  It’s home, and they, along with The Coca-Cola Company, are committed to supporting and doing “good things” that inspire, enhance, and bring about positive changes in their community for a long-term impact.


As part of the “Dear Future” initiative, The Coca-Cola Company is traveling routes through local markets across the U.S and highlighting select bottlers.  So, what in the world is happening on the “Dear Future” route?  

Sharing “good things” happening in local communities and

bringing young adults a challenging and creative opportunity to compete for $30,000 benefitting a local community program 


In the case of Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED Inc., Tuscaloosa Coca-Cola Bottling Co., a local bottler in the UNITED family, will be on the route! Find out more!>

As part of the initiative, young adults are invited to compete for a grant which will provide funding and resources to support a local community program.  The winners of the”Dear Future” competition will be paired with local community partners such as Coca-Cola Bottlers, scholars, and local non-profits to help turn their ideas into reality.

By highlighting local bottlers, their associates, the diverse portfolio of products they provide, and providing young adults a creative opportunity to help a local program, Coca-Cola hopes to inspire unity, community focus and, of course, share happiness.


“Dear Future” coming to Tuscaloosa, Alabama! Check it out >

Last fall, local communities across America got to know their Coca-Cola neighbors in a whole new way. Through #CocaColaRenew, the Coca-Cola Company reintroduced Coca-Cola USA as far more than the maker of the world’s best-known beverage by reaffirming our longstanding commitment to refreshing and strengthening local communities (go to the source link below for the introductory creative).   And this year, the campaign returns in the form of the Dear Future initiative.

Explore more, know more, go to  #CocaColaRenew launches latest Dear Future Creative on