Coca-Cola UNITED

BRAVEheart Serving at Glynn County PTA Bowl

BRAVEheat Teen Initiative

Glynn County PTA Council recently hosted the 6th annual PTA Bowl at the Glynn County Football Stadium. This event gives the community a chance to come out and meet the faculty of their student’s school and enjoy some games and refreshments.

Brunswick Coca-Cola was happy to supply cold Coca-Cola products for everyone to enjoy and was excited to have members of BRAVEheart Teen Initiative to serve our products. BRAVEheart Teen Initiative is a group of young adults and students who mentor other students in our school system.

Brunswick Coca-Cola is proud to be in partnership with the Glynn County School system and to watch the relationships between parents and educators grow. We are excited for the new school year and look forward to many more opportunities to serve along side the Glynn County School System!