Coca-Cola UNITED

To our valued customers in the wake of Hurricane Michael




First and foremost, we hope that you and your families and your associates are safe, following the catastrophic hurricane we all just experienced.  We are with you in thought and prayer, and we will get through this together.

Coca-Cola UNITED’s Panama City and Bainbridge facilities were hit extremely hard, and due to the extent of the damage, we are uncertain when they will reopen.  Our hope is that Bainbridge is operational by next week.  However, Panama City, along with the community at large, will be a much longer process.

As our customers in Panama City and Bainbridge begin to reopen, we will be prepared to service you out of surrounding facilities.  In fact, we are already working on those plans, as much as possible during these uncertain times.

Our associates – your UNITED partners – will be contacting you directly to find out how you are and the status of your operation, specifically if you are open and, if not, do you have any idea of your timeline.

There are many unknowns, and much rebuilding that will need to take place.   Please know that our Coca-Cola UNITED team will be ready to work with and support your team to move through these challenges together.


To read more about our efforts and operational updates, go to Operational Updates: Hurricane Michael >