Coca-Cola UNITED

Thank You for the relief efforts, Mobile Coca-Cola!

At Coca-Cola UNITED, we come together when disaster strikes.  Most importantly, we employ relief efforts as soon as possible- and that’s exactly what we did for the citizens of Panama City Beach.

The Mobile Coca-Cola team took immediate action on a time-sensitive request from McDonald’s and their relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Michael.

McDonalds’ owner-operator, William Barnes, operates nearly 13 restaurants in the Mobile area and was very grateful for the Coca-Cola products he received. He had been transporting supplies all week to his fellow operators, employees, and community that had been affected by the storm – and he got a little help from Coca-Cola Mobile!

On behalf of everyone at Mobile Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola UNITED, our thoughts are with those affected by the hurricane, and we will continue to help in any way we can.