Coca-Cola UNITED

Large Store Team is #1 in August

Jeff Panter, Area Manager Large Store with trophy

Five months and counting…

Jasper Sales Center encourages healthy competition among their large and small store sales teams.  The competition is based on the largest overall volume increase over the prior year.  Team large store retains the sales trophy for the month of August, which makes three months in a row, winning a total of five months for this year so far.

Jeff Panter, Area Manager – Large Store has a competitive spirit and is feeling pretty great about the win, commenting with “Feels good burying small store three months in a row!”

Jasper Sales Center sales trophy


Large Store was up 15% over the prior year, and are having a killer year so far!  David Kelley, Jasper Sales Center Manager has the tough job of making the final decision of who wins every month.  Fortunately, no matter which team comes out ahead, the results are great for the sales center and our UNITED associates who work there.  Join us in congratulating them on an excellent month and year so far!