Building Hope – One Step At A Time

McKemie Place – Build Hope Fundraiser Event was held on Thursday, September 26, 2019 at Crown Hall. Coca-Cola UNITED Mobile are proud sponsors of McKemie Place, the ONLY overnight homeless shelter for single women in Mobile, Baldwin and Washington counties. This year, we provided several cases of beverages as well as banners for the event, helping to spread the word in the community for this important fundraising evening for women. Coca-Cola Mobile was represented on the night by Apryl Sessions, Mobile Office Manager and Joey Gittere, Mobile Large Store Area Manager.

Mobile Coca-Cola has sponsored McKemie Place this year through water donations to the day shelter, as well as beverage donations for this event. The McKemie Place – Build Hope was a fundraiser for McKemie Place where food, drinks and entertainment were provided and a silent auction was held of items from local businesses. This event was held to raise funds to help provide shelter for homeless women. McKemie Place feeds and houses these women and provides the life skills, job and financial training to get them back on their feet.
If you would like to learn more about McKemie Place or make a donation directly, you can go to their website at