Meet Rebecca Brown, West Region Creative Manager, located at our Baton Rouge facility.
Rebecca wanted to do something to help during the COVID-19 crisis. She had leftover Disney fabric in her home from her home business project, so she took to her sewing machine and went to work. Rebecca has donated over 100 masks so far!
Every night after her Coca-Cola work ends, her sewing work begins as she does her part to help those in need. On Thursday, April 2nd, Rebecca commented about her work:
That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been doing for the last 10 nights… After work is done, I make masks. I’ve donated 100 masks to local hospitals, doctor’s offices, etc. Immunocompromised family/friends…whoever needs it. It’s mostly Disney fabric from my mickey ear business. I’ve gone through 40 yards of elastic, and I have another 40 yards ordered. I’m out right now, so tonight I have a break.
We are very proud of our own local heroes, and want to thank Rebecca and everyone else who may not get any recognition but are doing the work anyway. Thank you!