Coca-Cola UNITED

Coca-Cola UNITED Partners with Live HealthSmart Alabama Initiative

Coca-Cola UNITED is a partner with the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s (UAB) Live HealthSmart Alabama initiative on revitalization efforts in the Kingston community. Coca-Cola UNITED President and CEO John Sherman, pictured second from right, attended the ribbon cutting at Kingston’s Stockham Park on June 16.

Coca-Cola UNITED is among the partners in a University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) initiative that celebrated phase one improvements in a local community on June 16.

Improvements to Birmingham’s Kingston community include new sidewalks, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant street ramps, trees and flowers in Stockham Park, painted murals, new bus shelters and better lighting in once hard-to-see areas. The revitalization effort is part of UAB’s Live HealthSmart Alabama initiative, a comprehensive plan to work with businesses, schools, faith-based organizations and nonprofits to positively impact the health of Alabamians.

“Live HealthSmart Alabama aims to advance healthy eating, physical activity and prevention and wellness in underserved neighborhoods throughout Birmingham and the state,” said Mona Fouad, M.D., principal investigator of Live HealthSmart Alabama and director of the UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center. “To help achieve these aims, we started by making community improvements. This was especially evident in the built environment. We’re excited to show everyone what has been accomplished.”

Coca-Cola UNITED President and CEO John Sherman attended the ribbon cutting ceremony at Stockham Park along with Dr. Fouad, Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin, UAB President Ray Watts and several representatives from the local business and nonprofit communities.