Coca-Cola UNITED

Coca-Cola UNITED’s Pam Cook featured as StyleBlueprint ‘FACE of Birmingham’

Coca-Cola UNITED’s own Pam Cook, Director of Multicultural Marketing and Community Affairs for the company’s Central Region, recently sat down with StyleBlueprint for its FACES of Birmingham series highlighting women who “keep our city unique, special and a fabulous place to live.”

In her Q&A, Cook discusses diversity and inclusion initiatives at UNITED, among other topics. An excerpt reads:

Inside our organization, we took a very proactive approach, and we started a diversity and inclusion council. In June, during our Diversity & Inclusion Week, we held a number of events across our company including “Join the Conversation,” where our CEO and vice presidents were having difficult talks about race and gender equality. We traveled with a film crew to capture stories from our associates about diversity and asked them to tell us about their families and how they grew up. We hosted Friendship Day and had cookouts at all of our locations. It was all about learning more about the people you go to work with every day.

To read the full Q&A, click here.