Jasper Employee of the quarter

Meet Dale Forrester! He was chosen to be our employee of the quarter. While Dale’s tenure with Jasper Coca-Cola UNITED has been brief – he’s been with us less than a year, you can ask anyone that has been around him, he is destined for great things.
Jasper Coca-Cola began it’s Employee of the Quarter recognition program to recognize employees from any area of the sales center who regularly go above and beyond to help others and get the job done.
Dale works mainly in our large store department with Quinton Cochran and Tyler Lee as a merchandiser trainee, but he also wears many hats to include helping on sideload, special events, and working around the sales center. Anyone that has come in contact with Dale has been singing his praises.
Please join us in congratulating Dale on his accomplishments so far, and to a long and successful career at Jasper Coca-Cola!