Honoring Veterans and Reservists in the Coca-Cola UNITED Family!
For Veterans Day each year, it’s our tradition – and a very important one – to recognize the many Veterans and Military in our UNITED family.
It’s our privilege to recognize and celebrate as many as 639 veterans and military who are part of our Coca-Cola UNITED family. It’s quite an honor to have so many men and women among us who are true examples of courage, commitment and service to our country. They deserve our gratitude and honor every day, not only on Veterans Day, for the tremendous sacrifices they’ve made for our freedom.
Across our southeastern states territory, at our local bottler, production and other facilities, a custom medallion was given to honor each one of our associates who serve or have served our country to protect the liberties and land we enjoy every day. Other “Special moments” of fun and recognition were made possible as well.

Please take a moment to look through the hundreds of names on the list of veterans and military who are a part of the Coca-Cola UNITED family across six southeastern states.
Join me in expressing our appreciation to these fellow associates for their service; ask them about their experience and let them share their story.
Thank you, and may God Bless America!
John Sherman
President & CEO
Feel free to “Share” this recognition in honor of a family member or friend on the list. Remember to add the name(s) of the person you would like to honor and your special word of gratitude!
If you are a veteran and your name is not included here, please notify your local Human Resource representative and we’ll include you in this and future recognition.
See full list by STATE, location, last name, first name >
See full list by LAST NAME, first name>
Download: Open or download “2018-Coca-Cola-UNITED-Veterans-and-Reservists” >