Coca-Cola UNITED Signs On as Alabama PALS Spring Clean Up Title Sponsor

Coca-Cola UNITED is proud to once again be the title sponsor of the Alabama PALS (People Against a Littered State) Spring Clean Up.
The “Don’t Drop It On Alabama” Spring Clean Up is held in April each year and is available to all Alabama cities, counties and communities. All clean up materials, including large trash bags and litter bags, are provided at no cost to all participants. PALS has distributed approximately 175,000 bags statewide for the 2021 clean up.
“We are especially pleased with our annual partnership with Alabama PALS as we all move forward toward our goal of a world without waste,” said Andy Britton, Coca-Cola UNITED director of public affairs and communications.
As part of the month-long effort, volunteers participated in a campus clean up at Gadsden State Community College in Gadsden, Alabama. PALS announced this year its partnership with the Alabama Community College System campuses. The campus that reports the largest number of pounds of litter collected during the cleanup will receive $1,000, with another $1,000 going to the campus that reports the largest number of pounds of plastic bottles and aluminum cans collected for recycling.